Accelerate closing sales and grow your business

Optimize your contract closing process by means of sales document management through a technological tool.

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sales document management

Speed up your company by implementing software to create your business documents. Get a greater competitive advantage by impressing your customers and scale your business.

Bounsel, sales contract management, will help you close deals faster through a simple and easy-to-use interface for both your team and your clients. Check the status of your contracts to see if they are approved or require a signature and get key data from the documents at a glance.

Why is Bounsel Flow the ally of your sales team?

How to generate sales contracts with Bounsel Flow?


From master templates created in Microsoft Word or Google Docs you can generate a large volume of contracts. No more copying and pasting forever.
bounsel collaborate


Connect the variables of your templates to questions. This way, you can humanize the document fulfillment process and offer a better experience to your customers.


Store all your customer sales contracts in one place and allow your team to access them at any time. In this way, incidents can be corrected, reducing customer service time.

A platform to close your contracts

Bounsel Flow aims to help you speed up the closing of your deals, making your business grow exponentially. Our document management software with autodetection of variables will recognize the fields that must be completed in your sales contract template so that you can automate the process and share a flow with a large number of clients.

What our happy clients say about us

Fibsen Success Story

Find out how Fibsen optimizes their process of sending commercial offers, saving 5 hours of paperwork every week and reducing their administrative burden thanks to the magic of Bounsel Flow.

“Thanks to using Bounsel Flow, we now have more time to focus on the main tasks of our business such as contacting customers, launching offers and improving our product.”

David Salces, Chief Operating Officer at Fibsen.

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Accelerate the closing of your sales contracts

Allow your entire organization to review the real-time status of your customer documents to speed up sales, enable permissions only for authorized people, and make your sales team more productive.

Save your clients’ documents in folders so that you have all their information organized in a single platform.

If you need to update the information of all your clients, you can send a single form so that all your clients respond to the requirements of the new document or contract.

Receive notifications to know the status of your contracts and be able to close deals on time. This way, you will stay informed about any changes in your documents and you will be more assertive in your decision making.

Still have a question about our service? Contact us! We’ll be happy to help you!

Ready to manage your contracts without stress?