We are thrilled to announce this major enhancement in Bounsel that will transform the way you collaborate with your team. Your feedback and insights have been invaluable, and we’ve been hard at work developing features that empower your teams to work smarter, faster, and more collaboratively. Today, we are excited to introduce three new document collaboration modes – Editor, reviewer and reader.


Here’s what these exciting new modes have to offer:


1. Editor – The power to make changes:

Collaborate in real-time with your team, simultaneously editing documents.

Track changes to maintain version control and prevent errors.

Expedite project completion by enabling efficient content creation and editing.


2. Reviewer – Suggest and comment:

Encourage discussion by allowing users to suggest changes and add comments without altering the document’s content.

Preserve the original document while offering valuable feedback.

Promote quality control and enhance clarity in your documents.


3. Reader – Observe without changes:

Maintain document integrity by limiting access to modifications and comments.

Share documents with stakeholders securely, ensuring data privacy and security.

Streamline approval processes with controlled document access.


Why you’ll love it:

Seamless collaboration: Work together in real-time without the risk of conflicting edits.

Improved document quality: Enhance the quality and clarity of your documents through effective reviews and feedback.

Enhanced privacy and security: Control who can make changes or view your documents for increased confidentiality.

Faster approval workflows: Streamline document approval with designated roles for viewing and editing.

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