On 23 May, the meeting “Keys to attracting technological investment to the Valencian Community” was held at the Banco Sabadell hub, organised by the Levante-EMV newspaper and Startup Valencia as part of the Ecosistema Startup Valencia circuit, with the collaboration of the Valencia Digital Summit.
The event was divided into three key blocks: how to strengthen the Valencian Community, the challenges facing entrepreneurs and the administration, and how to centralise the focus and resources to make Valencia the next technology hub of Spain..
The people taking part in the meeting were Julio Monreal, Director of International Relations at Levante-EMV and Prensa Ibérica; Nacho Mas, CEO of Startup Valencia; Pilar Bernabé, Councillor for Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Valencia City Council; Esther Guilabert, Secretary General of CEV-Valencia; David Gómez, Director of the Business Banking Network of Banco Sabadell; Ángel Buigues, BStartip Adbvisor in D.T Este Banco Sabadell; Virginia Sánchez, Managing Director of Zubi Labs; Jose Poyatos Public Relations & Corporate Affairs Manager of BigBuy; and Pilar Prados, CEO and founder of Bounsel.
For the experts’ conclusions, take a look at the article in Levante-EMV:
Challenges and strengths of Valencia as a technological hub of international reference.
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