Decluttering can do more for you than you realize like reduce stress and increase productivity at your workspace and  also in your personal life.

We know it can be hard sometimes to keep everything in order, nowadays there are too many things demanding our attention. Nonetheless, being organized can benefit your health and help you feel happier and more relaxed.

Here are some benefits of adapting organization to your routine:

1- Stress relief 🧘

As mentioned before, being organized can bring several benefits for our health, the first one we want to highlight is the stress relief. When things are cluttered it can make us feel stressed, anxious and even depressed. It affects our ability to focus on the important things and can even cause headaches, insomnia and weaken your immune system. 🤯
Once we get control of our life and organize it, we will also get stress relief and protect our health.

2- Boost your productivity 🏆

How many times have you opened your inbox in the morning and founded hundreds of emails waiting to be responded? Did you know that the average number of emails a person receives by day is 120? If you use Bounsel Flow in your routine, we have already helped you downsize it (your welcome! 😊). But one thing you can do by yourself is to keep everything neat! This way you won’t have to spend hours searching for that email that you need and can dedicate to what really matters.

3- Save time ⏳

When you have too much at your plate it is easy to forget to answer an email or return a missed call at work. Don’t miss your deadlines anymore by simply organizing your agenda and making sure you can commit to everything that is in it.

Sometimes because we do not see the big picture we think that we can do it all, but once we face the reality and we can actually visualize the whole week or month we can plan it better and save time ensuring we are meeting our deadlines.

I bet that after all this information you are feeling like decluttering right? So to help you with this task we want to give you 2 tips about how you can do it with Bounsel Flow.

The first one is classifying your document by its status so you can easily know when you need to follow up on that and use our advanced search. 📑

Then you can also organize and classify your documents in different folders, this will allow you to find a project faster. 📁

There are many other benefits to keeping everything neat, and we hope that we have inspired you to pursue them too.

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